【理学院】理学院本科生暑期研究国际交流项目 - 赴香港浸会大学研习项目


活动类型: 仅线上
洲别: 亚洲
举办国家/地区: 香港
合作高校: 香港浸会大学
举办城市: 香港
学生名额: 2
单位: 理学院
学习期限: 三个月
项目简介: This program aims at to promote international communication and to provide opportunities for undergraduate students from College of Science of Shantou University to conduct research activities under a close supervision by a world-renowned scientist (Prof. Raymond WY Wong) at Baptist University of Hong Kong.
适用参与对象: year 3 undergraduate students
英语水平要求: fluent spoken and written English
其他报名要求: 1) GPA≥3.2 2) team spirit 3)take an active part in scientific research activities; have stronge experiment ability
费用: Students pay all the fees.
奖学金/补助: Students can apply for a scholarship at HKBU
报名时间: December
温馨提醒:该项目报名时间为 2015-04-152015-05-15。请于报名时间段内进行申请。