This year Temasek Polytechnic's Global Community Day (GCD2021) is the first of a three-part series –Culture Collectives that celebrates the unique and shared histories, cultures and futures of ASEAN member countries, China and India through distinct themes from 11th until 24th November 2021.
This year’s theme centres on RICE.
Rice is the staple food for more than half the world’s population. It is more than sustenance. It feeds the spirits, inspires artistic forms, and necessitates inventiveness. It becomes the daily language for millions in Asia. It is a way of life. Through an exploration of rice cultures, we will be engaged in learning about the rich and diverse philosophies, symbolism and expressions, manifested in cultural practices such as food, dance and craftwork.
The countries in focus this year are China, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore.
Included in the array of programmes are virtual talks, virtual tours, onsite workshops, an i-Xchange, and a photography competition – the winning entries of which would be featured in an photography exhibition.
Themes could include any of the following aspects but must depict cultural elements:
Producing rice (e.g., types of rice, paddy fields, hybrid rice, technologies, rice merchants)
Consuming rice (e.g., ways of eating rice, rice by-products like pastries, snacks, wine, artefacts, utensils, cooking methods)
Celebrating rice (e.g. harvest festivals, dance, rituals, rice goddesses)
Here are some salient points:
Submission Form : https://tinyurl.com/yh7wkyfk
Deadline for Submission of Entries: Friday, 24 September 2021, 1159 hour Singapore time
More Details at https://sway.office.com/YpsMhe9FugR3NWoO?ref=Link
Selected entries will also be exhibited with winning entries at the Art Gallery at Glocal Connect Village, Temasek Polytechnic from 5 November 2021 to 27 May 2022.